Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Weigh In

I didn't gain or lose this week. I half expected to be WAY up this week, so I guess I can be pleased with not gaining.

I exercised a bunch, but eating wasn't great. I have felt really tired. REALLY tired. I wonder if the new workout I am doing is too intense, if I am not getting enough iron, or if it's just a PMS thing. I started taking my multivitamin again. If I can just remember to do that each day...

Current weight: 139.0 lbs

Total lost since beginning the challenge: 9.5 lbs (and feeling like I need to remove the "I've lost 10 pounds" button from the blog!)

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Blogger Journo June aka MamaBear said...

No need to remove the button. You DID lose that much. You'll lose the extra weight again. We all do a bit of yo-yo-ing, but if we're persistent, we'll continue to see those numbers go down. :-)
Path to Health

Tue Aug 28, 12:37:00 PM  
Blogger Mom said...

I know what you mean. I end up see-sawing when I lose each week. I may lose three lbs, but then it keeps going up and down until I finally pass that number. Not sure if that makes sense, it's like it takes time to finally pass that weight on the scale. Don't get discouraged, take your time, you will leave that number behind eventually. Keep the button, you earned it.

Tue Aug 28, 01:33:00 PM  
Blogger Victoria said...

Just came across your blog and I love it, it seems you have wrote just how I feel sometimes. Will keep popping on for a read.

Vics xx

Wed Aug 29, 04:26:00 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Maintaining is part of the program every now and then...no worries you will have a better week this week. Good luck! Losing almost 10 pounds is a big deal!!

Fri Aug 31, 05:09:00 PM  

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