Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I am busy, and HELLO, losing weight takes up a lot of time! Homeschooling and some laundry are just about all I am able to accomplish of late during an average day. Today I actually got dinner in the crock pot before noon. It's like a banner day, I tell ya.

Not that my weight is going to mean a doggone thing in the near future, because I will be DEAD over the stress of getting just the basics done around here, but here is the weight update:

Lost one pound this week. Down to 138. Total lost since beginning the challenge, 10.5 pounds.

Go encourage some other folks who have also taken on the weight loss challenge.

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Blogger penguinsandladybugs said...

I hear ya! I know that busy-ness you are talking about! Hang in there!

Tue Sep 04, 03:08:00 PM  
Blogger Journo June aka MamaBear said...

I'd much rather you gave something up instead of dieing from stress! ;-) Remember to delegate some stuff to the kiddos and say NO to stuff that takes you away from your first priority. Hang in there.
Path to Health

Tue Sep 04, 04:13:00 PM  
Blogger Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

O.K. That last line made me laugh out loud. Like you didn't even have the time to accept praise and encouragement. You need a break!

You are doing great. You'll be O.K.

Tue Sep 04, 04:55:00 PM  
Blogger Noodle said...

I'm right there with you! I'm just delighted when the nighttime living room pick-up takes under 30 minutes and the dishes in the dishwasher are the dirty ones, not the clean ones that haven't been taken out! :)

Tue Sep 04, 11:57:00 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Well done, Lou! I'm SO impressed. 138! Gosh, I'd love to see that number again. Anything with a "3" in the second place.

Wed Sep 05, 03:00:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ugh, I'm trying to lose weight too. Five down, 35 to go. Yuck!

If you don't mind, I'd like to share what I blogged about today and ask for your participation.

Here are the deets:

"Okay, I'll admit it. Anne Bradshaw over at Not Entirely British did a really good thing and I am shamelessly borrowing from her idea of spotlighting the most amazing youth in the world. I think it is incredible what she has done and the youth that are the finalists in her contest are truly amazing. If you haven't gone to her blog yet, read about them and vote, you're going to want to do that as soon as you're done reading mine, submitting a nomination and generally recognizing that I'm the greatest blogger to ever walk the earth . . . all right, all right, you don't have to do that last part. As long as it exists in my mind I'm okay with that.

Announcing the Best Husband in the World Contest -- please check out my blog today."

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, right?

Would you and your readers please participate. I really want to celebrate the good men of the world.

Wed Sep 05, 02:40:00 PM  
Blogger Luisa Perkins said...

You GO, girl!

Thu Sep 06, 12:50:00 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Swanepoel said...

Way to go!

I love my crock pot. It's wonderful.

Fri Sep 07, 10:50:00 AM  
Blogger Robin said...

My treadmill was just delivered this past weekend. I now have no more excuses.. Darn.

Tue Sep 18, 08:29:00 AM  

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