Saturday, August 14, 2004

What if...

... our Chinese child feels like she doesn't "fit" in our family because we don't look like she does?
... my extrovert three-year-old becomes jealous of all the attention her "novelty" sister garners?
... our Chinese child feels rejected by her birthmother/father?
... we underestimate the power of feeling rejected?
... people insist on referring to her as "the adopted child"?
... I get mad at strangers when they ask if she is mine?
... she never bonds with us?
... I don't understand enough about Chinese culture to give her a realistic understanding of it?
... I don't think she is cute?
... we really don't know what we are in for?
... she thinks we regret adopting her because we choose to have another child naturally?
... I lose it when people decide to pass judgement on our decision?
... Boo and Bug become jealous of her having a "special" heritage and getting to celebrate a birthday AND a gotcha day?
... people who wouldn't know any better try to minimize important issues?

and just for the record, these are rhetorical questions... so please comment accordingly. thanks.



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