Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Look At ME!

I'm taking a break. I am posting just because I can!

Things here on the official day 2 of school are going okay. I did two loads of laundry today. Served lunch without too much chaos. Cleaned the bathroom sink. Got Ms. Boo a shower (I still wash her hair.) Made butternut squash soup. Completed all of Boo's lessons with her. Built a fort (several times.) And - this is the kicker - all the kids had their teeth brushed today.

Maybe, and I do mean maybe, I can settle in with this schedule. Much of it depends on how willing the Boo is to do her work. Today was better than yesterday. But we've had lots of breaks (read: snacks) worked into the day, so maybe it will be doable.

Ms. Bao has been a little bit difficult. She's still very impatient and can't wait for us to finish part of a lesson if she has decided that she needs me for something. But we are working on it. And she is only getting older, so I take comfort in that. (And any of you out there who want to tell me that the threes are worse than the twos, please don't.)

In the mean time, I'd like to ask you all to pray for Ms. Bao. She has been getting various itchy welts all over her body for over a month now. It calmed down considerably about a week ago, but the last two days have been bad. Huge welts. Her lip has swollen a few times. She scratches so hard that she bleeds.

The initial blood test for all the "regular" allergies came back clear. We are scheduled to see the pediatric allergist on Friday of next week - and she can't have any allergy medication for five days before the testing. If the reaction doesn't calm down soon, it will be a very difficult five days.

Anyway, that's all for now. If any of you have been praying for me as this school year has started, I appreciate it.

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Blogger Brenda said...

Any day that all the kids get their teeth brushed is a success. Go you!

I'll be praying for your little one. And you, of course.

Wed Sep 05, 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Five days? That's stupid.

Thu Sep 06, 12:36:00 AM  
Blogger Shalee said...

This is why I cannot homeschool. Brushing teeth and then hair and whining because it is time to get out of bed would ensue... and that's just ME!

I'm praying for you, sweet Lori and Ms. Bao too. I'm specifically praying that it won't be a rough five days...

Thu Sep 06, 07:28:00 AM  
Blogger Luisa Perkins said...

I'm on it. Keep us posted on what the allergist says.

Thu Sep 06, 12:52:00 PM  
Blogger Carla said...

I'll pray for her, and I remember the 5 days rule vividly, except in our case they asked if we could possibly do 7...and it was torture. Samuel has allergy induced cough variant asthma. Plus he was allergic to rice. Yeah...the most non-allergenic food bothered him.

ah...homeschooling. :) We're somewhere around day 50 for the year. I"m hoping to have completed our first semester by the time we go to China. I can dream can't I?

Sat Sep 08, 12:31:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I will definitely keep your daughter in my prayers. Poor thing . . . poor you!

Sat Sep 08, 01:07:00 AM  

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