Saturday, July 28, 2007
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- Mr. Bug - born 2003
- Ms. Bao - born 2005
If I could figure myself out, I'd offer you some autobiographical words. But I'm not sure who I am, so read and decide for yourself.
Frequents tags:
FYI: My children:
- Four Things: The Un-Meme
- Weight Loss
- Should'a, Would'a, Could'a
- I Can't Keep Track of Myself
- Weigh-in
- Proof That I Have Class
- On My Mind
- Can Someone Please Tell Me?
- Because a Good Word Bears Repeating
- I Know I Have Issues...
Those are some really great flavor's they have for the latte's. Did you buy one for your friend's?
Hmm. Too bad it's not "ice'd." :o)
ROFL @ Boomama!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. This angers the Grammar Fascista.
Hey, what are the asterisks for?
I don't even want to say how long it took me to figure this out. So Sad.
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