Annoyed Lady
A few circumstances that might herald the arrival of Annoyed Lady are:
- the repeated use of the same joke every time you see a certain person. Especially if that is the only thing you ever say to that person. You don't have to do this to me. Just hearing it happen to someone else annoys me.
- repetitive noises like car alarms or noisy toys that start a sound over again every time a kid pushes a button. So, you get a little kid like Bethany, or even some easily amused adults, who push the button over and over, and all you hear is "to infinity, to infinity, to infin, to infin, to in, to in, to in, to, to, to..." AAAAARGH!
- Being told to smile.
But, the all time most annoying thing is bad grammar/usage in programs, signs, advertisements, etc.
Several years ago I got a letter in the mail offering me a credit card that would help me celebrate my Italian heritage. I don't know how a credit card can do this, but this one could.
The only reason I read the letter was because I was intrigued at the connection someone had made between my Italian heritage and paying no interest on balance transfers until July of 2023. As I read, I found a glaring grammatical error. I don't recall what it was. But, it didn't matter at that point, even if I WANTED the card, because I was no longer Lori S..., I was now ANNOYED LADY. And the envelope was clearly NOT addressed to her.
I am telling you this story to show you how truly annoyed this makes me... cuz you know what I did? I grabbed a red pen, circled the error, and wrote something about the fact that, though my ancestors were, indeed, Italian, I was familiar enough with the English language to realize that they needed a better copy editor. Then I said something about how, as a general rule, I do not do business with companies that cannot use the English language properly because, for all I knew, they couldn't do math either, and I didn't think that would make for a very reliable credit card company.
I then took the letter, put it in the enclosed envelope, and promptly mailed it.
I am sure you will all be happy to know that a few months later I got another letter from the same company. It was the same offer... to celebrate my Italian heritage by buying stuff on credit. The only difference was, their letter was grammatically flawless.
But I still didn't apply for the card.
I realize this is an issue of pride. God reminds me of this often. Annoyed Lady just needs to learn how to extend some grace.
Just don't make me sing about it. Cuz even that old hymn "Amazing Grace" contains an error too. And don't think for a minute that I can sing that line without thinking of it.